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This Zero Tolerance Policy, along with the Earnings Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, govern your access to and use of this website, https://www.gowithflo.work (herein: the “Site”) including any and all content, functionality, and services offered on or through this Site. 

By accessing and use of this Site, either as a paying customer or simply a website visitor, you agree to be bound by this Earnings and Success Disclaimer as outlined by the owner of this Site, Tara-Lynn Charbonneau (Garbutt) (herein: The Company) We highly encourage you to read this Disclaimer, along with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, before you explore this Site to ensure you are clear on any and all expectations imposed upon you as a user or paying customer of this Site. By virtue of your use of this Site you will be deemed to have accepted the terms. 

Violent, abusive, or aggressive behaviour, however, will not be tolerated.

In order to maintain good relations with our clients, we would like to ask our clients to read and take note of the occasional types of behaviour that are unacceptable:

  • using bad language or swearing at any member of Go with Flo or their associates
  • verbal abuse towards team members in any form including verbally insulting team members
  • racist and sexist comments
  • persistent or unrealistic demands that cause stress to team members
  • physical violence, such as pushing or shoving, towards any team members, associates or clients
  • causing damage to or stealing from premises, staff or clients

This policy extends to any interaction with a staff member whether in-person, phone, letter, e-mail, or through our website.

A breach of the Zero Tolerance policy constitutes grounds for Go with Flo to decline or discontinue services, regardless of status.